Exterior and interior church images
Friends of St. Barnabas’ Church, Gillingham

Special Services up to and including Easter 2014

Template Letter to Church Commissioners to Oppose Closure of St. Barnabas' Church

Click here to read a feature from The Economist on the threat to St Barnabas' Church


This website has been set up by friends of St. Barnabas’ Church, Gillingham, who wish to oppose the threat of closure it is currently facing.

St. Barnabas’ Church has served local people since Victorian times and continues to be an important place for community events, regular worship, and religious ceremonies.

It has been suggested that there are too many churches in North Gillingham, and that the proposed closure of St. Barnabas is the first step in reducing the number of Anglican churches in the area. We do not want to see any churches close, and will campaign to keep St. Barnabas’ Church open.

If you wish to be part of this campaign, please follow the links below to sign our petition and find out more. We would also like to hear from anyone else keen to take part in this campaign, so please do get in-touch if you think you could do more to help.

Best wishes,

Friends of St. Barnabas’ Church, Gillingham

Click here to read the official letter from St Barnabas PCC to oppose the proposal to close the church.